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Project Financial Feasibility

Starting a building project whether it is your future home or an investment to bring in more income for the family is no easy task. The financial burden and uncertainties alone is enough to keep one up most nights. Having a financial plan wherein you are well aware of the short term and long term goals of your investment will help to keep you at ease a bit. 

The plan starts from knowing what will be the financial cost of the construction to the building, permit fees, service agreements for architect, contractors and other professional fees to be made. Next, we establish what are the operational cost of the building from taxes to be paid and current market conditions like rental rates of nearby establishments. Lastly, we conduct a series of computations to determine the rate of return for your investment and the payback period all the while making sure that the cash flow statements are mostly in the positive.

Knowing your rate of return, monthly to annual income, operational cost and payback period, we can decide if its a good investment for you with good data to support your decision. A decision you can be confident in and not continually asking yourself if the project you have committed yourself into is the right one.


Project Financial Feasibility
Apartment Buildings / Complex
Dormitory or Dorm Pad Buildings
Office Buildings
Commercial Buildings for Lease
Mixed Use Condominiums


Project Financial Feasibility
Financial Plan for:
Apartment Buildings / Complex
Dormitory or Dorm Pad Buildings
Office Buildings
Commercial Buildings for Lease
Mixed Use Condominiums
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